View to-dos

To-Dos are designed to be tasks that can be passed between members of the clinic (we like to think of them as “hot potatoes”) or watched by multiple people. These can also be tied to a patient, so they’ll show up on the relevant patient modal as well. We designed these to help assign responsibility to certain tasks in the clinic, and to be able to track the progress of certain tasks between clinicians and admins.

Get oriented with to-dos

You can access the to-dos module by navigating to To-Dos on the left-hand navigation pane. Within that module…

On the left-hand to-do list:

  • Search bar: where you can search for your desired to-do

  • Filters: where you can filter the to-dos shown to you

    • Owned by you: these are to-dos that you are currently the owner of. This is the number of to-dos that will pop up on the little numbered badge at the To-Dos icon on the top-right of your screen as well

    • Watched by you: these are all the to-dos for which you are listed as a “watcher”

    • All: these are all the to-dos that are currently listed for your clinic

On the right hand details for your selected to-do:

  • Information on your selected to-do: these include due date, status, title, owner, creator, watchers, and description

  • Activity: all logged activity on the current to do, which can be filtered

    • Comments only: shows only the comments that are left in the Add a new comment box

    • All activity: shows all changes that have occurred on the to-do

On the top of your navigation bar (next to "Need help?" and your account name)

  • Link to To-Dos and number showing number of currently owned to-dos

Last updated