Use templates

With the Juniper Platform, you can create your own templates that you can select from each time you write a session note!

Create a template

To create a template:

  1. Navigate to Settings on the left-hand navigation bar

  2. Under "Edit session templates", click "Create a new template"

  3. Insert a template title

  4. Create your template in the text editor below

    NOTE: Previously made templates from Microsoft Word may be copy pasted with formatting into this template editor by clicking the Word Copy icon in the text editor (highlighted in red)

  5. Click "Save Changes"

Edit a template

To edit a template:

  1. Navigate to Settings on the left-hand navigation bar

  2. Under "Edit session templates", select desired template

  3. Edit within text editor

  4. Click "Save Changes"

Use a template in a session note

To create a session note using a template:

  1. Navigate to session note

  2. Select desired template

  3. Edit template within the text editor

  4. Click "Save Changes"

Last updated