Chat with a specialist or parent

With Juniper, you can have conversations on a fully HIPAA-compliant platform with both specialists in your clinic and with the parents that you work with, eliminating the need for back-and-forth emails or for giving out personal phone numbers to clients.

Chatting with a specialist

To initiate a chat with another specialist:

  1. Navigate to "Messages" on the left-hand navigation bar

  2. Click the blue "+" button to create a new conversation

  3. Create a conversation with "one or more specialists"

  4. Select the specialists that you would like to include in the conversation

  5. Add a title / conversation name (optional)

  6. Click "Create!"

You will get notifications each time someone initiates a new conversation or when someone types in the conversation for the first time in 1 hour. If you would like to change the amount of time before you receive a new notification, please contact us at ""

Chatting with a parent

To initiate a chat with a parent:

  1. Navigate to "Messages" on the left-hand navigation bar

  2. Click the blue "+" button to create a new conversation

  3. Create a conversation with "a patient's caregiver"

    1. If the caregiver does not yet have an account with Juniper, the platform will prompt you to "Ask them to create an account"

  4. Start typing!

Chat Features

A few features that you can use with the chat function:

  • Voice memos: Create a voice recording by clicking the blue microphone icon to the left of the "Type message" bar

  • Emojis: Send emojis by clicking the smiley face icon to the right of the "Type message" bar

  • Files: Send small pictures, documents, videos (under 5MB) by clicking the paperclip to the right of the "Type message" bar

Last updated