Send out availability calendars

We've heard that clinicians will often have to communicate back and forth with a patient family to even get a session on the calendar -- so we've built a feature to allow clinicians to send out their availabilities and families to directly schedule themselves into a clinician's calendar.

Create an availability calendar

To create a calendar showing your availability:

  1. Navigate to the Settings tab on the left-hand navigation pane

  2. If a calendar hasn't been connected, connect your external calendar

  3. Click "Open Schedule Editor" under the "Update your public availability" section of Settings

  4. Click "Add a scheduling page"

  5. Input details for the availability calendar you'd like to make, including:

    1. "What should new events be named?"

    2. "Where do events take place?"

    3. "How long is each event?"

  6. Customize your availability, including:

    1. "When events can be booked" (e.g., only Mondays, Wednesday-Fridays)

    2. "How far in the future can events be booked?"

    3. "Where should we create the booking page?" (i.e., customize the link you'd send out)

  7. Click "Create"

  8. View how your calendar looks by clicking "View"

The calendar will pull your availability based on the external calendar that is connected to the Juniper Platform -- i.e., if you are busy from 2:00-3:00pm, that timeslot will not show up on your availability calendar. To change the calendar the availability scheduler is pulling from, click "Open Schedule Editor" on the Settings page, click "Edit" on the calendar you wish to edit, and navigate to "Calendars"

Send out your availability calendar

To send out the calendar you've created:

  1. In the Settings page, click "Open Schedule Editor"

  2. Click "Copy Link" to copy the URL to your clipboard

  3. Paste the URL to send (e.g., in an email, a message, etc.)

The calendar by defaults schedules in "buffer" time after meetings -- e.g., if you set the scheduler for hour long meetings, it will build in 15 minutes of buffer time after each meeting. This can be changed by clicking "Edit" on the calendar

Last updated