View individual patients

Search for an individual patient

To view a specific patient in the patient database:

  1. Search for desired patient in the Find a Patient search bar

    NOTE: Patients may also be sorted by clicking on the fields at the top of the table (e.g., click the Patient Name header to sort patients alphabetically by name)

  2. Click the "View" button on the left of searched patient result

Get oriented with the patient modal

"Patient modal" is how we refer to the window that pops up when you click on any one individual patient. On our patient modal, you should be able to see everything associated with a patient, including...

On the left navigation bar:

  • Patient details: where the information on the patient lives (name, gender, birthday, etc.)

  • Session notes: where all the session notes for that patient are population

  • Guardian details: where all the information on the patient’s guardian lives (name, email, address, etc.)

In the middle pane:

  • More detailed information relevant to which left-hand navigation card is clicked (e.g., patient details, session notes, guardian details)

Any time information is changed in this middle pane, don't forget to click "Save Changes" to ensure any changes are saved!

On the right pane:

  • To-dos: where you can see all the todo-s that are listed for that specific patient, and can click on the todo in the linked title

  • Bulletin board: where you can leave sticky notes for all practitioners involved in that patient’s treatment

Last updated