Invite a parent to create an account

With Juniper, you can share media (pictures, videos, documents) with the parents of the patients that you see on a fully HIPAA-compliant platform.

Invite parents to create an account

Parents can be invited to create an account on Juniper in three ways:

  1. Patient modal - when you click on their patient profile, you'll see a button that says "Ask them to create an account" if their account has not been created yet

  2. Create a share - once you share a file with them, they'll automatically receive an email invitation to create a Juniper account.

  3. Start a new message - when you message a parent for the first time, the chat will let you know if the parent doesn't have a Juniper account yet. If that's the case, you can click the "Ask them to create an account" button, and they'll receive an email invitation to create a Juniper account.

Last updated