View patient database

In clinics, we’ve heard that the patient is the sun around which the clinic revolves -- which is why we tried to mirror the same thought in our platform. In the Juniper Platform, the patient model serves as the single source of truth for all the records -- everything should link back to the patient. This means that almost all of the features on the platform should be tied to the patient -- and anything linked to one patient can be viewed on that patient’s Patient Model.

View patients

Navigation Pane

On the left-hand navigation pane, you may choose whether to view patients all together or by stage (e.g., Waitlist, Intake, Active, Inactive)

Stages may be customized for each clinic -- so let us know what stages you'd like to organize your patients by and we can implement those for you.

Patients window

On the page, a list of patients is available for you to scroll through -- including Patient Stage, Patient Name, Date of Birth, Parent Name, and Lead Staff Member

View individual patient

To view an individual patient's records, click the "View" button on the right side of the list.

You may also sort patients by clicking the header that you would like them to be sorted by (e.g., Patient Name)

Last updated