Create a Share for a parent

With Juniper, you can also securely send annotated pictures, videos, and files to the parents that you work with.

Upload a file

Files can currently be uploaded in one of two ways:

  1. Upload a file directly to a session note

  2. Upload a file to the files directory

Draft a share for a patient / parent

  1. Navigate to "Files" on the left-hand navigation bar

  2. Click "View" on the file that you would like to share

  3. Click the "Draft a new share" button to the top right of the file

  4. Give the share a title

  5. Click "Draft Share" to create a draft

At this point, the video has not yet been shared with anyone! You may populate it with comments before sharing

Annotate the shared content

To add notes and annotations to the share:

  1. Click the green link to the specified share under "This file has the following shares"

  2. Add comments (with timestamps) to the right of the share, or add a caption that parents can see (but not edit) to the bottom of the share

    1. For videos, comments to the right can also not include a timestamp if the "Include timestamp?" box is unchecked

    2. For captions, you can also insert a template that you've created previously

Publish a share

To "publish" a share and send it to a parent or patient:

  1. Click "This share is currently a draft - publish it" on the top of the Share screen

  2. Designate a patient (and/or other specialists) to share the video or media with

  3. Click "Share"

When the file is shared, the parent will get an email notifying them that there is a new share waiting for them

Last updated