Create to-dos

View your to-dos

To view your to-dos:

  1. Navigate to To-Dos on the left-hand navigation pane

  2. Select “Owned by you” under the filters on the left-hand side

Create a to-do

To create a to-do

  1. Navigate to To-Dos on the left-hand navigation pane OR hover over the To-Dos icon on the top bar

  2. Click "Create New To-Do"

  3. Complete fields in To-Do editor (e.g., title, status, relevant patient, owner, watchers)

  4. Click "Create"

Any clinician within the company can be assigned as the "Owner" of a to-do, so the to-do will pop up in their "Owned by you" to-dos. Any clinician involved in the treatment of the patient associated should be added as a "Watcher"

Last updated