Edit to-dos

We imagined to-dos as constantly evolving tasks that can be passed back and forth between multiple people in a clinic. Each to-do should be editable and will log all the activity that happens on it -- including all the people who have ownership on it and the changes they've made.

Edit a to-do

To edit a to-do:

  1. Navigate to the To-Dos on the left-hand navigation pane

  2. Click on the desired to-do

  3. Edit directly into the right-hand side of the to-dos pane, changing any of the fields (except the Creator field)

  4. Click "Save Changes"

To assign a to-do to a different person:

  1. Simply change the "Owner" to another clinician within the clinic

  2. Click "Save Changes"

The to-do should now pop up in their To-Dos modal under the "Owned by you" section -- and the number on the To-Dos link at the top of their portal should increase by one.

All changes made on any to-do are logged in the "All Activity" section under "Filter Activity"

Last updated