Write session notes

Session notes are essential for the running of a clinic -- and serve as the primary way to track progress of a patient over time. We're designing session notes to provide all the flexibility needed to effectively track the development of each individual patient, while also providing the structure to help keep you organized.

Create a session note

Session notes are currently accessed through calendar events associated with the relevant patient, so to create a session note you should create an event on the Juniper calendar and include an "Associated Patient".

Access a session note

Session notes may currently be accessed through a few paths:

  • By clicking on a calendar event designated for that session associated with a patient

  • By clicking on the session notes through an individual patient modal (on the left-hand section of the modal)

Edit a session note

To edit a session note:

  1. Click on the desired session note

  2. Type into the text editor on the right-hand side of the session note window

  3. Click "Save Changes"

A few fun features to check out on the session note editor:

  • Paste formatting from a word document

  • Print to a printer or PDF

  • Create a table

  • Insert a template (see the relevant documentation page!)

  • Upload a file (see the relevant documentation page!)

  • Sign a session note

Last updated